Clase de español
Srta. Kalisker
7th Grade Learning Objectives
Unit 1: Identity
What defines us? What is my public & private identity?
I can understand simple compliments and critiques of people’s clothes and actions.
I can understand physical descriptions from a photo.
I can understand personal information from captions under photos of athletes and celebrities.
I can understand a simple posting on a social media page.
I can understand a posted message about interests and routines.
I can create a social media profile of myself.
I can talk and write about my favorite musical group, actor, author, artist, athlete or celebrity.
I can talk about a famous person from history.
I can introduce myself.
I can talk about other people’s likes and dislikes.
I can exchange personal information with a classmate.
I can ask and answer questions about celebrities, athletes and/or famous people.
Unit 2: A Day in the Life
What events define your life?
I can identify information from a movie poster/ad.
I can understand simple texts about people’s daily routines and activities.
I can understand texts and clips about how people celebrate life events.
I can understand information in a text or voice message from a friend.
I can distinguish the purpose of a card or note about a life event (birthday, holiday, thanks, party invite)
I can understand information about a movie or event.
I can talk about what I want and need to do at school, after school and on the weekend.
I can describe a school routine, like getting lunch in the cafeteria, arrival, dismissal, X-Block, tutorial.
I can invite and make plans with someone to do something or go somewhere.
I can write a special occasion message or note (birthday, congratulations, invite, thank you).
I can describe what I need for school, for a party or celebration or to participate in activities (sports, clubs).
I can invite and make plans with someone to do something or go somewhere.
I can ask and respond to simple questions about dates, times, places, and events on publications.
I can talk with someone about hobbies, interests, and school.
I can accept or reject an invitation to do something or go somewhere.
Unit 3: Culinary Adventures
How does where we live define what we eat?
I can sometimes understand a simple transaction between a customer and a service professional
I can understand an advertisement for a food item or restaurant.
I can understand the description of a food item or cuisine (when supported by visuals)
I can understand simple texts about hunger, foods and cuisines.
I can make a reasoned choice of a restaurant from an online list of local eateries.
I can describe a food item, traditional dish or cuisine from a lesson based on pictures or photos.
I can present what I eat and how it is different from someone from (TL country).
I can order a meal.
I can accept or reject an invitation to do something or go somewhere.
I can invite and make plans with someone to do something or go somewhere.
I can exchange information about a restaurant.
I can ask and answer questions related to food, including likes and dislikes.
Unit 4: Living in the City
What makes a city ideal?
I can follow directions to locate places in a city.
I can read informational signs/ads of interest to tourists.
I can read tourist brochures and use the information to identify the key attractions and things to do.
I can read informational signs/ads of interest to tourists (parking, bus reroutes, metro closings, hours of operation).
I can share short messages about cities – tweets, captions for images, etc.
I can create an informational piece promoting a city.
I can describe a famous place.
I can express my thoughts and opinions about a city and things to do there.
I can write simple directions from one place to another.
I can ask and answer questions to make plans for how to spend time in a city.
I can explain where I want to go or what I want to do giving simple reasons.
I can make arrangements for where to meet explaining where a place is in relation to other places.
I can ask for and give directions to a place.