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Class Expectations & Materials

What do you need?

1. 3-Ring Binder with 5 Dividers - for class handouts, paper, homework, and graded assessments.

2. Lined paper - for writing prompts and notes.

3. Writing utensils - any pens or pencils (different colored pen must be used for homework corrections).

How will you be graded?

Grades are earned, not given.  Grades are based on weighted categories and calculated to a percentage with the following grading scale:


A Range= 90-100    B Range= 80-89      C Range= 70-79     D Range= 60-69      F= 59 & below


     1. Process- 10% of overall grade

The process grade includes homework and some independent classwork. Homework is assigned on a weekly basis and graded on completion. Late homework will not be accepted unless you have an excused absence. The purpose of homework is for you to have a chance to individually practice and apply what we have covered in class.  Homework is your opportunity to see how well you understood what we learned in class and prepare questions for the following day.  It is more important for you to try and put forth your best effort than to get every answer correct!


To receive full credit for your homework assignments, they must be:

  • Complete

  • Legible

  • Your best effort

  • Finished before the bell rings for the start of class (and not in your locker!)


     2. Interpersonal Assessments- 25%

Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feeling and emotion, and exchange opinions.

     3. Interpretive Assessments- 25%

Students utilize authentic resources to understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.


     4. Presentational Assessments- 25%

Students prepare and present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.


     5. Skill Checks- 15% of overall grade

Skill checks may consist of, but are not limited to: grammar and vocabulary quizzes, writing assignments and journal entries, notecards, text readings associated with the demonstration of reading strategy use and comprehension, and practice speaking activities.


What if you’re absent?

Before you see me…

  • Check the whiteboard for any missed homework, assignments, etc.

  • Look in the ‘Absent Work’ bin in your class period folder for any handouts/worksheets.

  • Turn in any work that was due while you were absent in your ‘Class Bin’.  I will not remind you to turn in your work.  It will be late or a zero if it is not turned in according to the NBJH School absent policy.

  • Any questions?  Ask a reliable friend or make an appointment with me (before or after school, or during X-Block- ask for a pass).

  • If you need to arrange make up quizzes, tests, or change deadlines due to extended absences, please set this up with me as soon as possible.

  • If you know in advance that you are going to be absent, tell me 2 days prior so that I can organize any handouts or assignments that you will miss. 


Missing an Assessment…

If you are not in class on the day of a test or quiz, be prepared to take it the day you return.  If you are absent, any assignments given before you were absent are due upon your return.  For excused absences you will have 1 day per day of absence to make up the work.


Helpful hints for success:

  • Speak Spanish daily and participate in class.

  • Come to class with required materials.

  • Support your classmates’ efforts to communicate in Spanish.

  • Have a positive and helpful attitude.

  • Turn in papers with neat and legible handwriting.

  • Keep your binder organized with all handouts and homework assignments.

  • Ask for extra help in and out of class when you don’t understand something.

  • Take advantage of Tutorial and X-Block to visit me in room 307!

  • Spend a small amount of time (15 min.) studying Spanish every day rather than trying to study everything the night before an assessment.

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